The No 1 Reason to Save a Dying Language is Culture

The Number 1 Reason to Save a Dying Language is Culture The number 1 reason to save a dying language is to save the culture, itself. Culture is inextricably linked to the language (which is why it is necessary to study culture in order to do good translation work). Many words in any language are unique to the culture. They often reflect the way the people who used the language for centuries think. That in turn is related to the geography, climate, flora, and fauna…

The Surprising Importance of Culture in Translations – 4 Important points

The Surprising Importance of Culture in Translations – 4 Important points to remember The importance of culture in translations might be a real eye-opener for some. It certainly cannot be overlooked. Any translator who takes pride in their work must know as much as they can of the cultures of the language(s) they are translating from, as well as the language(s) they are translating to. Language is inextricably linked to culture, and culture is inextricably linked to language. Each language has its own, unique culture.…