Fake Review Sites

Fake Review Sites – Don’t get burned or scammed! Fake review sites hurt a lot of people. If the above headline got your attention, maybe you’ve already had an unfortunate experience with one of these sites! The problem with fake review sites is twofold. First, they directly harm legitimate businesses. Secondly, they leave people wondering who they can trust. Let’s take a look at how fake review sites work, as opposed to sites that legitimately rate and rank the trustworthiness of online businesses.

American English for the Internet is #1 – Should it Matter to You?

American English for the Internet – does it even matter? American English for the internet does matter.  It’s the language of much of the software used for the internet.  Furthermore, American English is the language of commerce, even in English speaking countries outside of the United States. American English is a term somewhat tinted with irony. It is descended from and almost identical to Canadian English, which is pretty much identical to British English, apart from the way it sounds and some of the more…